The Simple Biohack That Activates Your Body’s “Protein Factory”

The Simple Biohack That Activates Your Body’s “Protein Factory”

Helps you build new, stronger muscle – without working out harder or eating more protein. Thousands of people see amazing results.

Emma was losing muscle mass despite exercise and a well-balanced diet. Her muscles were so weak, she had trouble doing tasks she used to do with ease. For instance, she couldn’t wring water out of a washcloth, as her wrists would hurt badly. And she would struggle going up a flight of stairs.

Fortunately, things turned around when Emma learned how to activate the “protein factory” in her body. Within 3 months, she gained muscle mass and had more energy. She felt much stronger, healthier, and more confident. She could wring a washcloth without pain. She could go upstairs easily and quickly. And she could even do boxing and enjoy every minute of it.

And Emma is not alone. There’s also Ellis.

Ellis had lost a lot of muscle. He was told that he couldn’t build new muscle at the age of 76. Then he learned to turn on his protein factory. After just 3 months, he gained over 10 pounds of muscle mass.

Then there’s Alvin. Alvin was 82 years old. Within one week, he was able to increase his bench press by 20 pounds! That’s amazing.

So how do you activate your body’s protein factory? I’ll show you exactly how to do that in a moment. But first, let’s review…

Why Proteins are Critically Important, Not Just for Your Muscle, But Also for Your Overall Well-being

Our bodies are made up of over 50,000 different proteins. These proteins form our muscles, skin, nails, and hair. They also form our bones, joint cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.


Plus, proteins are the building blocks for the “messengers” in our bodies. These include our hormones, enzymes, immune cells, and neurotransmitters in the brain.

So what happens when you don’t have enough protein? You age at an accelerated rate. You lose muscle mass and strength. You feel weak, tired, and frail. You become more prone to injuries. And you’re more likely to fall and break a bone.

But that’s not all. Your immune system becomes sluggish. Your skin gets crépey. Your hair thins out. Your nails break easily. Your memory is not as sharp. And even your sex drive takes a hit.

That’s why it’s so critical that you have enough proteins to keep your body strong and healthy.

So where do proteins come from? They are combinations of amino acids. Some of these amino acids can be made by your body. But there are 8 amino acids that cannot be made by the body. These are called the “essential amino acids.” And you can only get them from your diet.

Why You're Not Getting Enough – Even If You Eat a Healthy Diet

The problem is that the older we get, the harder it is for us to get enough protein from our diet.

Why? First of all, you need a lot of stomach acid to break down the protein you eat. But many people over 50 don’t make as much stomach acid as they used to when they were younger.

Second, even if you have a strong digestive system, most of the protein you eat just goes to waste! Here’s why…

When you eat a protein food like steak, your body first has to break down the protein into amino acids. It then uses the amino acids to make whatever proteins it needs.

However, only some of the amino acids are made into proteins. The rest are turned into glucose that can be burned for energy.

This is a remnant from our hunter-gatherer days. Back then, food was scarce. So our bodies had to be able to turn protein into glucose to make energy from whatever food we ate. But today, food is abundant, and most of us don’t need the extra glucose.

Since we are less active than our ancestors… and since we live longer than they did… we need less glucose and more protein.

How much protein do we get from our food? Well, the amount varies from food to food. Some foods give us more protein than others. We know this because scientists have figured out how to measure it.

A Simple Measurement Test

Scientists know that amino acids contain nitrogen. When amino acids are made into proteins, the nitrogen becomes part of the proteins, and remains in your body. But when amino acids are turned into sugar, the nitrogen is released and excreted in your urine.

So if you want to know how much amino acids in a food are made into proteins, simply measure the amount of nitrogen in your urine.

This measurement is called Protein Utilization. Let me show you how it works:

If a protein food has a protein utilization of 100%, that means there is no nitrogen in your urine; 100% of the amino acids in the food are turned into proteins to rebuild your body. That’s great!

On the other hand, if a protein food has a protein utilization of 10%, that means only 10% of the amino acids are turned into proteins. 90% are turned into sugar! That’s not good.

Which Foods are Truly a Good Protein Source?

Using the protein utilization test, scientists now know which foods are truly good sources of protein. And they found that the best one is breast milk, which has a protein utilization of 49%. Well, that makes sense, since babies need an efficient protein source.

But we’re not babies, so what’s the next best protein source? It’s whole eggs, which have a protein utilization of 48%. But it has to be the whole egg. If you take out the yolks, you reduce the protein utilization to only 17%. Why? Because egg yolks are loaded with an essential amino acid called methionine. So next time you have eggs, make sure you eat them whole, not just the whites.

Third are meats, poultry, and fish. They all have a protein utilization of 32%. But it falls off a cliff after that…

Milk and Eggs

The Worst Protein Sources

You know all those expensive protein powders many people take to build muscle? They have a protein utilization of only 18%! This includes protein powders made from soy, dairy, and eggs. That means, if you’re taking protein powder, only 18% goes to building your body. 82% is wasted!

Meats and Powder

How about spirulina, a popular plant-based protein source? Depending on the brand, spirulina has a protein utilization from 0% to 6%!

What about branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)? Well, the urine tests show that BCAA supplements have a protein utilization of less than 1%. They’re practically worthless as a protein source.

And finally, there’s collagen protein and bone broth. These protein sources are not a complete protein because they do not contain all 8 essential amino acids. Specifically, they lack the essential amino acid l-tryptophan. So if you don’t accompany them with an additional protein source that contains tryptophan, their protein utilization is zero!

Now you can see why it’s so hard to get enough protein from your diet. No wonder many people see both their physical and mental performance go downhill after age 50.

So if you can’t get enough protein from your diet and protein powders, what can you do? The answer: you need to…

Plant Based Protein

Turn on Your Body’s “Protein Factory.” Here’s how…

Your cells contain “protein factories” called ribosomes. These ribosomes need fuel to work. And that fuel is amino acids.

There are 20 different amino acids your body needs. Your body can produce 12 of them on its own. The other 8 you have to get from outside sources. As I mentioned, these 8 are called the essential amino acids.

Now, here’s the kicker: To turn on your protein factories, you can’t just take all those 8 essential amino acids. You also have to take them in the right balance.

Why is having the right balance so critical? Well, imagine you owned a bicycle factory. The factory had in stock dozens of handlebars, dozens of seats, dozens of chains… but only one pair of wheels. How many bikes could you make? Yes, just one bike. All the other parts would just go to waste!

It’s the same with amino acids. When you take them in the wrong balance, you end up with too much of some amino acids and not enough of the others.

Amino Acids

Remember earlier when I mentioned that branched-chain amino acids have a protein utilization of less than 1%? The reason is, they have the wrong balance. As a result, 99% of the amino acids are wasted!

Once you give your body all the essential amino acids in the right balance, you activate the protein factories in your cells. And your body starts building new muscle.

Remember Emma, Ellis, and Alvin I mentioned earlier? That’s how they were able to build new, stronger muscle quickly – even when nothing else worked for them.

So how do you get the 8 essential amino acids in the right balance?

Introducing a New Breakthrough for Building a Youthful Body

If you go to the health food store, you’d be hard-pressed to find a product that contains all the 8 essential amino acids, let alone in the right balance.

But here’s good news. A group of scientists from Italy has discovered the right balance for the essential amino acids. Based on their findings, they have created a product called Advanced Amino Formula.

This is the only product I know that contains all the 8 essential amino acids in the exact right balance. And when scientists tested it, it had a protein utilization of 99%! That’s right, 99%!

That means, 99% of the amino acids are turned into proteins your body can use. Only 1% go to waste. You can’t get any better than that.

How It Helps Rebuild Your Body

When you take Advanced Amino Formula, you give your body the building blocks to make all the proteins it needs. By doing so, you can:


Build new and stronger muscle.

The average person loses 30% of their muscle mass by the time they’re 70. But it doesn’t have to happen to you. That’s because research has shown that you can reverse muscle loss and strengthen your muscle by taking Advanced Amino Formula.

In one study, elderly people who were too weak to stand up from their wheelchairs were given Advanced Amino Formula. What happened next was nothing short of miraculous. These elderly people were able to stand up – in just 45 minutes!

If Advanced Amino Formula worked so well for these wheelchair-bound elderly, imagine what it can do for you!


Have more energy and stamina.

Your cells need the right balance of all eight essential amino acids to maintain strength and stamina. That’s why Advanced Amino Formula is so effective at improving your energy and performance. It works even for people who suffer from severe fatigue and exhaustion. Take a look at this study:

In the study, patients aged 65 to 92 were given Advanced Amino Formula daily.

These patients were so feeble, they couldn’t walk for more than 3 minutes on a treadmill. But after taking Advanced Amino Formula for 2 months, they felt more energy, and were able to walk for more than 11 minutes. While this may not sound a lot, it’s an improvement of 360%!


Boost memory and mood.

A four-star World War II general and his 93-year-old wife had been married for over seven decades. But his wife suffered from mental decline. She no longer recognized him. And she wouldn’t let him sleep in the same bed with her.

Then the general gave her Advanced Amino Formula. 6 months later, she not only recognized her husband, but she also remembered everyone’s name in the clinic!

Old Lady

Have younger-looking skin, shinier hair, and stronger nails.

Your skin, hair, and nails are all made of proteins. So it stands to reason that taking Advanced Amino Formula would help you have healthier skin, hair, and nails. Well, that’s exactly what scientists found in a study of 114 volunteers.

In the study, volunteers were given Advanced Amino Formula daily. After 8 weeks, they found that their skin looked younger… their hair was shinier… and their nails were stronger.

But that’s not all…

Old Lady

It can help repair damaged joints and relieve pain.

If you suffer from joint pain, it could be due to wear and tear of your joint ligaments. Advanced Amino Formula provides the critical amino acids that help your body generate and repair damaged ligaments.

In an Italian study, patients got significant relief from their joint pain – after taking Advanced Amino Formula for just 10 days! As a bonus, they also lost an average of 7.7 pounds.


Advanced Amino Formula also improves your digestion and food sensitivities.

You need a lot of stomach acid and enzymes to digest the food you eat. And guess what? These enzymes are made from protein. Advanced Amino Formula helps your body make more of these digestive enzymes, thereby improving your digestion. On top of that, Advanced Amino Formula also helps repair the inner lining of your gut. By doing so, it helps alleviate food sensitivities.

One study found that patients completely recovered from their food sensitivities – after taking Advanced Amino Formula for 2 months!

What’s more…


Advanced Amino Formula may help you sleep better.

If you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, this could be a game-changer for you. Take Paula S. for example. Paula has been suffering from sleep problems for years. She couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours. But after 30 days of taking Advanced Amino Formula, she was able to sleep 5 hours without waking. That’s amazing.

How did Advanced Amino Formula help Paula get better sleep? Well, many times sleep problems are caused by deficiencies of neurotransmitters. And neurotransmitters are made of proteins. So it’s possible that Advanced Amino Formula may have boosted her production of neurotransmitters.


Advanced Amino Formula also helps you prevent and heal injuries.

Let me tell you about Cherie G. Cherie is a triathlete. She competes in several Ironman triathlons every year. These triathlons combine a 26-mile marathon, a 112-mile bike race, and a 2-mile swim into one, non-stop competition!

One time, she got a hamstring injury that just wouldn’t heal. She tried all of the usual remedies, but nothing worked. Then she stumbled across Advanced Amino Formula, and decided to give it a try.

Before long, she healed her hamstring injury completely. But that’s not all. She also found that she recovered much faster after her workouts.

Today, at age 74, Cherie still competes in triathlons with no sign of slowing down. She relies on Advanced Amino Formula to keep up with her grueling training program and races.

Thanks to Advanced Amino Formula, she has won Age Group Hawaii Ironman World Championships 13 times. Yes, 13 times!

Another triathlete took Advanced Amino Formula a few weeks before he competed in the Ironman World Championship. During his training, he finished a 140-mile bike ride a half hour faster than he had ever done before!

He thought there must be some banned ingredients in Advanced Amino Formula. He was in a panic, thinking he would be disqualified from the competition. But we assured him that Advanced Amino Formula was safe, and was certified by the World Anti-Doping Association. That year, he went on and won the World Championship.

I also gave Advanced Amino Formula to my patients. And they got amazing results, too. They had more energy and stamina. They gained more muscle mass. Their body got stronger. And their hair got thicker and shinier.

In fact, since we started offering Advanced Amino Formula, we received a deluge of letters from our customers telling us how well it has worked for them. For example:


• Odis K. from Texas was 86 years old. After taking Advanced Amino Formula for a month, he felt 10 years younger! He almost eliminated his lung congestion. And his mobility greatly improved.


• Judy P. was looking for a remedy for her pains and aches. When she came across Advanced Amino Formula, she decided to give it a try. In just 2 weeks, most of her pains and aches vanished. And she felt 20 years younger!


• Mari K. from California used to drink 3 cups of coffee to get her going. But after taking Advanced Amino Formula for less than a month, she felt sharper and more alert. She no longer needed the coffee. She also had more energy. Now she is so happy, she goes to work earlier than usual.


• Thelma D. was 79 years old, and she noticed her skin was getting thinner. So she decided to try Advanced Amino Formula. She was thrilled to see an improvement in about 10 days. After 4 months, her hands and forearms look years younger. On top of that, her muscle got bigger like years ago, although she seldom exercised.

Now It’s Your Turn

Thousands of people have already benefited from Advanced Amino Formula. Even more amazing, many of them saw an improvement in less than 30 days! And now you can, too.

Advanced Amino Formula can work wonders for you. It can help you build stronger muscle and bones. It can give you more energy and stamina. It can boost your memory and lift your mood. It can help you sleep better and strengthen your immune system. And it can make your skin look years younger.

Imagine how great it will feel to be young and vibrant again. Imagine being able to enjoy your favorite activities with more vigor. And imagine being able to stay active and independent in your 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond.

Well, it’s all possible with Advanced Amino Formula.

Advanced Amino Formula Ingredients

Try Advanced Amino Formula at The Lowest Price With Our Introductory Offer!

A One-Month Advanced Amino Formula Starter Pack is just $39.95 (plus shipping). That means, you can start rebuilding your entire body – for just $1.33 per day. That’s a small price, considering all the benefits you can get from using Advanced Amino Formula.

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Or you can try the 3-Month Savings Pack and get a 10% discount. The 3-Month Savings Pack is just $107.85, plus shipping. You save $12 off the regular price.

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But if you’re really serious about having a strong and youthful body for the long-run — and saving the most money — then you should try the 6-Month Best-Bargain Pack.

A 6-month supply is just $199.50. This is by far the best value, as you save $40.20 off the regular price. It’s like getting an extra bottle free. Plus, you get free shipping and handling.

So why not do it right now, while it’s still fresh in your mind? After all, you have absolutely no risk to try Advanced Amino Formula, because of our…

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Down-To-The-Last-Pill Guarantee

Since we began offering Advanced Amino Formula, I’ve received hundreds of letters from my patients and readers telling me how well it has worked for them. And I take it myself every day.

So I know firsthand how effective Advanced Amino Formula is. That’s why I’m willing to back it up with the strongest guarantee possible. Here’s how I guarantee Advanced Amino Formula two ways:


• YOU WILL feel stronger, healthier, and younger in as little as 30 days. Guaranteed or your money back.

• YOU WILL continue to see dramatic improvements after 30 days. That’s because Advanced Amino Formula works for the long term.

If you don’t see any improvement within 30 days… or if you’re not satisfied with Advanced Amino Formula for any reason whatsoever… simply return the empty bottle within 90 days. And we’ll refund every penny you paid, including shipping and handling. You only pay return shipping. No questions asked, no exceptions, no fine print.

Either you’re absolutely thrilled with the results you get… or you pay nothing.

Now the Decision Is Yours…

If you’re still on the fence, consider this. When you try Advanced Amino Formula, the worst thing that can happen is, you’re not happy with the results you get. Then simply ask for a full refund. And you lose nothing.

But what if it works for you? That means, you can get your youth back and feel young again. You can have more energy to enjoy your favorite activities. You can have a better memory, clearer thinking, and sharper mind. And you can finally stop worrying about losing your independence as you get older.

As you can see, with our Down-to-the-Last-Pill Guarantee, you get all the upside without any downside.

Frankly, I think ordering a 6-month supply is a no-lose proposition. Because if you’re not satisfied, you can simply return the empty bottles and get all your money back. And if you are satisfied, you get to pay the lowest price per bottle.

In addition to being the best deal, a 6-month supply also gives your body time to feel the full effects. That’s why I suggest you take advantage of this offer. But I’ll leave the decision up to you.

Simply place your order below or call 1-800-791-3395.


Frequently Asked Questions

Perhaps you have some questions about Advanced Amino Formula.

So let me answer some of the most frequently asked questions now.

“What's the difference between Advanced Amino Formula and other Amino Products?”

Advanced Amino Formula is the exact right combination and right balance of 8 essential amino acids. Other amino products may only contain 3 (BCAA) essential amino acids. That means these products are missing 5 of the essential amino acids the body needs to build muscle.

“Is Advanced Amino Formula safe to use?”

Yes. Advanced Amino Formula contains only pure amino acids that your body uses to make protein. It has been used by thousands of people with no reported serious side effects. However, if you have the rare genetic disorder PKU, you should only take amino acids under a doctor’s supervision.

“Does Advanced Amino Formula contain any allergens or GMOs?”

No, Advanced Amino Formula does not contain any gluten, wheat, corn, nuts, seeds, eggs, soy, or dairy. And it does not contain any GMOs, preservatives, or excipients.

“Is Advanced Amino Formula vegan?”

Yes, it’s 100% vegan. It does not contain any animal products.

“Why does Advanced Amino Formula contain only 8 of the 9 essential amino acids, omitting histidine?”

Studies have shown that your body can make histidine on its own. So histidine is actually a non-essential amino acid. In fact, when you take Advanced Amino Formula, your histidine levels will rise within an hour.

“How can I know for sure that Advanced Amino Formula will work for me?”

Advanced Amino Formula has worked for thousands of men and women. So I’m very confident it will work for you, too. But the only way to know for sure if it will work for you is to try it.

The good news is, you can try it without any risk. If you’re not satisfied with it for any reason whatsoever, simply return your bottle – even your empty bottles, within 90 days. And we’ll gladly send you a full refund, including shipping and handling.

That’s our Down-to-the-Last-Pill Guarantee. And something that no health food store will do for you.

So there you have it. Simply place your order below or call 1-800-791-3395.

Yours for excellent health,

Dr. Shallenberger Signature

Frank Shallenberger, MD


"I have not stopped taking them and feel 20 years younger"

- Judy P., Advanced Amino Formula Customer

Advanced Amino Formula


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Amino Tablets Reviews

2653 Reviews   |   4.1 Average Rating   |   81% Recommend This Supplement 

Great Product Experience  *
By Virend S. (Australia ) - 5/8/2024
I am a keen swimmer and I use Advanced Amino Formula mostly as an exercise aid. Since taking the product I have gained more muscles and swim more effectively with less effort.
  I Recommend This Supplement
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Annie *
By Ann Marie W. (San Antonio, TX) - 5/5/2024
I can say I am starting to feel more energy than before but I think it may be slow for me but I am taking my caplets and Waiting for my results to start improving. That’s why I purchased your product I give you an update in June Thank you
  I Recommend This Supplement
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Advanced amino *
By Joseph L. (Miromar Lakes, FL) - 5/3/2024
I find this supplement very helpful in maintaining my energy levels thru out the day. I exercise every day and play golf 3 to 4 times a week. Could not maintain that level of activity without Advamced Amino
  I Recommend This Supplement
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Really works *
By Isaac G. () - 5/3/2024
I’ve been taking Advanced Amino Formula for three months. I definitely feel my strength increasing overall but particularly in my legs. Great product
  I Recommend This Supplement
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Great product  *
By ALLA S. (Hopkins, MN) - 5/1/2024
After receiving the product I quickly started to see improvements. I first noticed it in my energy levels and then after a few weeks my clothes started to fit different. The only thing different that I changed was taking this supplement. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for real results!
  I Recommend This Supplement
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The best ever  *
By Parthena V. (Kingston, MA) - 4/30/2024
And the happiest I came across this product... I've been taking it for so long and I'm seeing so much progress muscle tone and getting muscular and I love it it has everything it needs and said that tablet.. I keep it on auto shipment because I really truly believe in this product there amino acids are the best out there wouldn't change it for the world
  I Recommend This Supplement
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* Above are actual reviews from our customers. These customer’s statements may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The reviews should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Your results may vary.


  • Dr. Frank Shallenberger is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.
Advanced Bionutritionals® products are manufactured in the USA from globally sourced ingredients by Formulation Technology, Inc.

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